
Donations and volunteerism are helping us, Build Back our communities!

Find out how you can help below.


Building Back The Community Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) Tax Exempt Nonprofit. Generous donors make it possible for Building Back The Community Foundation to change lives. We welcome all donations; whether you make a one-time gift, set up a monthly donation or establish a matching gift program at your workplace, you are essential to Building those up in need!

Help us start Building Back by clicking below!

Disaster Relief Fund​​.

In order to make an impact the next time a natural disaster strikes, we’ll need every hand lent our way. Donations help us take a step in the right direction.

Thank you for your support!

Financial Crisis Relief Grants.

Supporting the local community in need, is the core of the BBTC Foundation. Making a real impact is not possible without your contribution.

Thank you for your support!

Scholarship Grants.

Providing these scholarships to local students is a key to building up the local community. We can’t do it without your support.

Thank you for your support!

Become our next corporate donor​​.

We are always looking to partner with companies that have a passion to make a difference in the community. Numerous corporate options to get involved.

Become our next sponsor.

We have numerous events throughout the year, and are always in need of sponsors that are looking for additional exposure and enact change by supporting a good cause.

Do you have an In kind Donation​​?

Whether it’s gift cards, food, beverages, etc. We welcome in kind donations. Everything helps, let us what you would like to donate by clicking below.

Learn more about building back the community foundation by clicking the GuideStar Seal below!